Friday, February 27, 2015

Practical Questions for Utilities

The newest addition to the series of Architecture Board Exam Reviewers. Here's a Quiz on knowledge of Building Systems: Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Sanitary, and Auxiliary systems. Most of the questions are situational and wide knowledge on construction practices would be of help.

There will be 10 questions picked at random from a database of more than a hundred questions.
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!!
Password: orbisccd
Note: If you are using an iPhone, iPad, or any Android device, the flash quiz will only play if you have both an swf flash player and an adobe flash player plugin installed in your device. Otherwise, use the desktop or laptop which are usually already installed with flash player.
How to install Adobe Flash on an Android smartphone or tablet
Puffin Browser now supports the latest Flash Engine over the cloud for iPad, iPhone and Android devices.

Take the Exam in LARGE FORMAT HERE.

Take the Exam again HERE.

======================================================================= Here is an additional quiz which could be very useful to those who cannot attend regular review classes and supplement those who are attending review classes. Rule 7 & 8 of the Revised IRR of the NBCP is a topic not taught in schools but is a major topic in Day 2 of the exams.

The quiz comes with solutions for every answers. It has a database of more than 400 questions, including determining the development controls from the NBCP like Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF), Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO), Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL), Impervious Surface Area (ISA), Unpaved Surface Area (USA), Floor to Lot Area Area (FLAR), Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA), Gross Floor Area (GFA), Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA), Building Height Limit (BHL), Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB), etc.

 New 2015 version includes questions from recent board exams

If you order Design and the other quizzes, it will be at a discounted rate of only P2,000.00.

You may also want to avail of the files in SWF format that can be played on a cellphone or tablet. It will be available in 50-question quizzes only. Just add P250.00 for a total of P2,250.00. To play the swf quizzes on phone, just upload an app for swf flash file viewer.


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